Thursday, February 4, 2010

How to Create a Blog in

1. Visit
2. Click Sign Up
3. Fill up the form
a. Username: -> put a blog name as you wants (at least four character / number)
b. Password: put your desired password (at least six character)
c. Confirm: repeat the same password.
d. Email Address: put your email address. If you still dont have an email make one at or
e. Legal flotsam: check it as sign of your approval to the TOS (terms of service).
f. Check the menu “Gimme a blog” (it’s there by default).
g. Click “Next”
h. Blog Title -> write a title for the blog. Example: Information Technology Blog
i. Language -> choose any language (by default, English).
j. Privacy -> Check it (it’s by-default setting).
4. Click Sign Up
5. There will be a message like this::
Your account is now active!
You are now logged in as (username Anda).
An email with your username, password, Akismet API key and important links has been sent to your email address.
Write a post, change your template or visit the homepage.
5. That means you have sucessfully created a blog. Now you may login to your blog to administer the content. Here are the importants URL address you would need to remember:
a. To login, open :
b. Write your username (=blog name) and password.
c. Click “Write” to start writing a post/ article.
d. Click “Publish” to make it public.
6. Done (if you want finish it don’t forget to click “Log Out” especially if you are in a public place).
  • The plus point of compared to are (1) comment friendly: visitors easily can make a comment because the comment box shown prominently below a particular posting / article. Those who like many comments in their posts may find this blog suitable for them;
    (2) The latest posts will come up several minutes in the Dashboard of every users, and if a particular post/arcticle attracts much traffic it’ll have a chance to be at BOTD (best post of the day) that is top ten articles / posts that attract the most traffics of the day will be placed in allwordpress .com users dasboard in a language that one chooses. For example, if you choose an Arabic language, you will only see the Best of the Day in Arabic only.
  • The minus point of compared to / blogspot is: you cannot put any javascript in a blog. Meaning, you cannot put any ads such as AdSense, Chitika, guestbook, or anything that use javascript. This should not be a problem for blogger who just want to blog / write; who don’t have any intention to monetize i.e. to earn money from blogs.

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